The temperatures have finally risen and we all know what that means -- more downtown festivities. Kate and I rambled about town the last few weeks, and stumbled upon quite a few things to do. Not to mention, I enjoyed lurking the conversation of an old english professor (recently laid off and, naturally, emburdened with a darker, more cynical view of life) holler and preach about what would have upset
Neitzsche about our current society. Apparently his
prana flow was in a terrible state that day. (He said it, not me.) It's amazing the people you stumble on in
Nobrow. I highly recommend taking in a deck of cards and listening to the colorful conversations that permeate the place.

Today was Record Store Day at
Slowtrain. We mobbed down from Alta just in time for Band of Annuals.

...And the day before (Friday) was a gallery/fashion stroll on Broadway that I stumbled upon, on my way to see "
Sin Nombre" (killer, by the way -- or 'modern as hell' as
Cassady would put it.) Regardless I found a great pair of subterraneans playing on the street, (the guy on the right strums a washboard as percussion and lefty plays the harmonica/banjo.)

Kayo gallery was a happening spot as well, a real blackdress affair with a gypsy jazz group that reminded me of
Pearl Django. Couples were
cheektocheek, tangoing right and left. Oh yeah, and the art was cool too.

Bruce Cockburn three days before that, (Tuesday.) Not my artist of choice, but he has a lot to say, and rips on the guitar. I managed to snap this before an authoritative woman with a laminate around her neck shredded my ear about photography in the 'theat
uh.' Gotta hand it to
Wagner though, the acoustics were great.

..And just a few shots from Liberty park on the first, warm Saturday of the season (God knows, how long ago.) There were some great kites and it gave Greeley (the bear) and chance to practice his social skills.